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What a sad day in the United States.

PostPosted:Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:46 pm
by Eric
I got no words over Roe vs Wade being overturned by religious fanatics. Religion is such a plague on humanity it really is.

Re: What a sad day in the United States.

PostPosted:Sat Jun 25, 2022 2:29 pm
by Julius Seeker
It’s more about ignorance and stupidity than religion. A smart and informed religious person would call bullshit on the anti-abortion stuff in the name of Christianity. There’s a lot of values that religious people get fanatical about that are against the values and teachings of the very saviour they claim to follow. I’m not a religious person, never have been, but it is fair to note that the story of the Gospels was largely of Jesus’s rebellion against people like these Republicans.

I do hate cults of personality, and unfortunately, religion tends to foster that sort of mentality among people with lazy intellect. That same problem can be fostered even among atheistic people by social elements apart from religion. There are a lot of really culty atheists as well… funny thing is this problem of personality cults keeps cropping up on the left, an ideology that should be anti-cult of personality. It intoxicates people into not acting with a degree of pragmatism required for even the maintenance of their own society. The correct choice was to make sure Hillary Clinton was elected, and that a corrupt and selfish moron like Donald Trump should have been crushed beneath the boots of advancing society before he threw you into a muddy ditch.

Remember years ago when the Internet went crazy with all the Bernie Sanders cult of personality stuff? TYT and their millions of viewers, Jimmy Dore, and all the copycats. Well, they’re pretending like that massive anti-Clinton campaign had no impact on Trump winning, despite all the close races and the large drops in the polls corresponding with the social media onslaught. The audacity to think that when their disgusting tactics failed to get Bernie elected, that it had zero impact on the image of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.

There was a guy, Sam Seder, who confronted TYT host Jimmy Dore about his “Bernie or Bust” movement to get Donald Trump elected over Hillary, and how it would lead to exactly this shit: Donald Trump getting elected, nominating 2-3 supreme court justices who would then overturn Roe v Wade. That cunt Jimmy Dore laughed at him, and Sam was trashed by Dore and TYT followers for suggesting that Bernie or Bust was going to have big consequences, and that TYT and Dore should be more responsible with their large platform. I doubt a Donald Trump victory would have been possible without that Bernie or bust bullshit—don’t get me wrong, I actually agree with a large amount of what Bernie says, but the cult of personality stuff was shit… only to be bested in size and stupidity by the Donald Trump slack-jaw cult of personality.

So, I agree with your thought, but I think the real villains are ignorance, stupidity, and cults of personality. And while religious gets roped into all that, it exists in many other places without the same issues that are had in the US.

Re: What a sad day in the United States.

PostPosted:Sat Jun 25, 2022 11:47 pm
by Don
Well the Democrats pretty much count their chicken before the eggs hatch. It's true they've a pretty sizable advantage in everything, which is why Republicans resort to such tactics in the first place, but Democrats have a tendency to cough up their advantage and spend a lot of time preemptively fighting amongst themselves before they even win anything.

I thought the Supreme Court was always something of a joke because using the Constitution as a source of reference is probably less reliable than using the Bible. At least for the Bible there are well known established hierarchy of authority on this, and in theory ultimately God can always tell you otherwise. The founders aren't going to come back from the dead to tell you that your interpretation of the Constitution was wrong, so if you got 4 guys that agree with you, you can literally put 'according to our interpretation of the Constitution' in front of anything and no one can prove you wrong. In general I think America gives too much power to judges, probably because the Constitution is obsessed with making sure nothing actually gets done. However, since judges don't actually have real power, you could pull the equivalent of 'I dissolved the Senate' like Palpatine did in Star Wars.

The problem is that judges originally probably are meant to be the smart guys, like if we are all dumb about games and someone come in and ask 'is Nintendo better than Sony?', since none of us are qualified to answer that question we go to the smartest guy we know of and hope he has an answer. Except now the judges are the dumb guys, like you see some of the stuff they rule over they basically write something like 'I have no idea what this is but here's what I think', and we live in the age of experts. Bureaucrats, for all their bad reputations, are picked to be the experts of their field. For some reason we don't trust say a bunch of environmental bureaucrats on regulations, but we expect a judge that's like 'I never heard of global warming before' to make decisions. Of course the result you get is just a complete mess that makes no sense. At least in a bureaucracy the decision is made by a guy who is supposed to be an expert of that field. Now I get that there's supposed to judicial restraint and stuff but you're basically saying if we all behave nicely everything works out, and now we see what happens when people don't behave. The Congress being pretty much non-functional has to do with this too, since the Congress can't pass something one way or another so instead we just have 5 guys in a robe doing their job instead.

Re: What a sad day in the United States.

PostPosted:Fri Jul 01, 2022 2:06 pm
by M'k'n'zy
Sadly, I'm worried that this was just the beginning of this country taking many massive steps backwards. I was on vacation with my gf when this came down, and it really put a damper on our day. Add in the fact that the justices have even said that they would like to see marriage equality and other key issues redressed as well, and I can't help buy worry about the future of this country. It feels like every day the important separation of church and state is getting closer and closer to being lost, and like this country is slowly turning into a theocracy. Throw in the attacks we are seeing on voting rights and, well, the truth, and I get more worried about the future we are going to be living in every week.

Re: What a sad day in the United States.

PostPosted:Fri Jul 01, 2022 3:27 pm
by Don
The Supreme Court is worse than a theocracy. At least if you rule based on the Bible you in theory believe that God can call out on you blatantly lying about these things. Also it's hard to talk about 'what God would have wanted' on stuff the Bible didn't cover because that's basically blasphemy. In a theocracy your precedents has to be based on stuff that was actually written down in a Bible somewhere since you can't just go back and add stuff to the Bible, whereas Supreme Court interpretation is based on other preexisting cases. I mean you can say like 'in this case they ruled the states can regulate taxes, so from this I get that we should invade Canada tomorrow and the Founders would definitely agree'. There is technically nothing you can say that'd prove it wrong because the Founders can't come back to life and argue against you, which is not the same in a theocracy assuming you believe in your faith.

Re: What a sad day in the United States.

PostPosted:Thu Jul 07, 2022 2:56 pm
by Julius Seeker
You think you guys have it bad. Canada is still under feudalism.

In fact, we’re so backward that our Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is Richard Wagner.
And yes, if the garb of Canadian Supreme Court justices didn’t give it away, Santa Claus is a permanent member of Canada’s Supreme Court.