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Did Edibles for the first time - my experience

PostPosted:Sun Aug 14, 2022 12:31 pm
by Julius Seeker
It’s kind of weird it took my so long because I’ve never had a lack of access for 25 years or so—and I never had anything against them. I just never tried them.

It was about 6pm or so, and I had some with my wife—me about 10mg, her 15. She had more than me because her tolerance to THC is significantly higher than mine—two bong hits and I’m really messed up, with her she barely feels it. I also smoke way more than she does, she dabbles once or twice a year, I use it much more (let’s just say).

Half an hour - I was beginning to feel it, my wife felt nothing yet.

1 hour - we went shopping around 7pm, and it was still very mild feeling very mild. At the one hour mark, I was getting the “everyone knows I had edibles” feeling by this point and time stretching.My wife said she wasn’t feeling it, but was getting giggly and joking about stuff; and when I pointed this out to her she realized she was feeling it.

1 hour 25 minutes - it starts ripping into me, this is when things really took off, and I went from maybe 6-7% to about 60-70% in a very short period. It might be that I was much more high earlier, but it was clicking in later. It was around this time I started eating. I ate a peach, and then went for some water and came back with another peach, this happened about 4-5 times through the night. I kept eating peaches. Other than that, I mixed some hot salsa with chopped habanero and Schezuan chutney, used it as dip for regular chips, and it was shockingly delicious. My stomach felt like ice at the end of the night though.

2 hours - this is probably where I hit 95-100%, around 9pm. I was much more high than I thought I’d get. My wife was mildly high around this time. Extreme time stretching. I was still eating for what felt like hours. We finished our first film—leftover of Romy and Michele’s High School reunion which we started watching after we got into The Dropout - the story about disgraced Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes… who we’d mock (all in fun) with Mira Sorvino’s Romy/surfer accent.

2.5 hours (but it felt like 2-3 hours instead of half, around 8:30) - is probably around the time when I started to come down.

3 hours to 6 hours - was still high, and the come down was far more consistent than the way up… the way up felt like a bell curve, but the way down was more like a shallow ski slope. We watched Deadpool 2 during this time. I had some Jolly Rancher hard candies, and they lasted for what felt like a half hour each… not a good thing for me as I was constantly a thinking “I could choke!” Even though I almost certainly wouldn’t—I bring this up more because it’s not necessarily pleasant… even though the flavours were unreal.

6 hours - Midnight to 12:30, I fell asleep, this is WAY earlier than I usually go to sleep, and my wife - usually we’re up to Dawn and sleep until around noon or later. Mostly because both of us work in the evenings and nights (We both work from home).

I was still not down because I slept about 11 hours (way longer than normal for me) and had very very vivid dreams. One had me back in University, and my professor was angry at me the whole time for being disruptive… for some reason I was spraying the other students with super soakers periodically. I wasn’t dressed for summer at all, though, I was wearing a three piece business suit, and my jacket was a thick leather jacket with dozens of zippers, and my hair was long and spiked/messy in a Sid Vicious sort of way. Also, this dream was ultra vivid—which is common when I’m high… even mildly so.

In the end, I don’t know when I came down completely, but it was some 7-12 hours after I first ate the edibles. My wife was high, too, she just didn’t have the same psychoactive effects that I did because she was out like a lamp before me.

Anyway, that’s edibles. They last way longer than smoking, they are more powerful than you’d think, and the peak period is probably a little shorter—but not much. None of the other effects I mentioned are too different, I always get severe time stretching (weed at a party means a 2-3 hours party, for me, feels anywhere between 5 and 20 hours).

Today, I’m going to try a 1mg mint, which is 1/10th what I had yesterday. I likely won’t do 10mg again as it was a bit much for me, maybe 5-7 on days off… and it’s really cheap for that amount, like 2-3 bucks.

Re: Did Edibles for the first time - my experience

PostPosted:Wed Aug 17, 2022 5:11 pm
by Julius Seeker
Seems 4 mints is my happy spot. It keeps me high for a few hours, and the effects are pleasant for about 5-6 hours. They usually hit hard about 1 hour and 10 minutes after ingestion, although I start feeling it mildly from about the 25 minute mark until the hour mark, then it starts increasing more quickly. I’m currently at the 30 minute mark after ingestion. I ate them with a bit of canola oil refried rice and about a cup of edamame-which I breaded with some canola oil, a bit of flour, MSG, and nutritional yeast, and a teaspoon of cayenne.

This amount is enough to get high, enjoy my evening, and increase productivity… 1-2 more mints would kill my productivity.

Watching Kurt Caz’s YouTube channel at the moment. Been following him since he had under 10,000 subs, now he’s up to 1.1 million.

Re: Did Edibles for the first time - my experience

PostPosted:Sun Aug 28, 2022 1:06 pm
by Julius Seeker
Now trying nanoemulsion spray, I put six sprays into my morning coffee at about 1:30pm, and within about 10 minutes I was already feeling it. It’s 20 minutes now and the stuff is hitting me nicely, like, really nicely. Not a lotta time stretching or any real craziness. It’s like more of euphoria and aural effects and less of the zonky effects.

Watching Bob’s Burgers season 3… The first real season, although I think season 1 and 2 are great too. There really are no bad seasons of the show, but it’s very Simpsons-like in how the first two seasons feel like they’re just getting the hang of the characters… then it picks up just as season 2 closes and continues its ascent in season 3, 4, and 5… 5 is where some say it peaked, but in my opinion 5 is just when it plateaued. The show hasn’t started its descent yet. IMO, Simpsons plateaued in season 3, and then season 4-7, and most of season 8, were the plateau, but the decline began then, and 9 and 10 were still great IMO, but it was kind of like early autumn and late summer where you have some days that feel like summer and others that feel like autumn. That was season 9-10 of the Simpsons. Then it kind of falls off a cliff. Unlike the general consensus, I find the Simpsons hit its Nadir in the early and mid teens recovering somewhat by the late teens. While it would never see the glory days again, The Simpson still has a lot of B+ and a few A- episodes, which makes the show worth keeping an eye on… Stewart made a joke once that the only reason the new seasons happen is to keep the show going was so they could keep advertising the early episodes… at least I think it was Stewart… he at least liked the joke.

But anyway. Have a great end of the summer. I have some sandwiches to make.

Re: Did Edibles for the first time - my experience

PostPosted:Sun Aug 28, 2022 2:28 pm
by Julius Seeker
Coming down. Wow that was strong!
Nanoemulsion cannabis is really powerful. I did get severe time perception issues starting about 1 hour in, or a little less.

The high was about 4 hours….still going.

EDIT, I guess only an hour and a half by the time stamps? Time perception is kind of weird when high.

Re: Did Edibles for the first time - my experience

PostPosted:Sun Aug 28, 2022 7:18 pm
by Julius Seeker
So, this nanoemulsion spray in coffee is so strong that I estimate this little bottle with 150 doses could get a normal person high about 30-75 times, that was about 6 doses and I was quite high, it is way more potent than the usual fat soluble edible.

The Doze - costs 20 dollars Canadian per bottle, it is 150mg of THC and 150mg of CBD. The bioavailability of the THC is significantly higher than regular edible. Unlike the fat soluble stuff, for the best effect, drink the coffee on an empty stomach, but eating once it takes effect is fine. Those 6 doses of that bottle was the highest I’ve been since smoking up with an old guy who worked with me (he’s this Mensa genius programmer who grew up in the 1960s, he had this 600 dollar bong that was really effective).

Also, the best part of the nanoemulsion stuff is there’s no burnout afterwards. I feel great after a short nap. Going to try two doses in my coffee now, and see if it’s more appropriate, because there’s no way I can work with 6 doses (it might have been 7 or 8 because the first couple of sprays didn’t seem to work, so I did 6 more after.

Anyway, 2 doses in my evening coffee is working very nicely. It’s about 45 minutes later. Unlike fat soluble edibles, the water soluble ones work a lot faster. Maybe even one dose is enough to hit the productivity range… that is, the level of high that your brain doesn’t crave entertainment because your background thoughts are happiness and joy.

So, I recommend the nanoemulsions more highly than any other cannabis product. 20 dollars Canadian for 150 doses, which IMO works out to the equivalent to about 100 joints… 2 doses works better than 1 joint.

Re: Did Edibles for the first time - my experience

PostPosted:Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:08 pm
by Julius Seeker
Jesus Christ that “Julius Seeker” guy is a loser. Talking with himself.

I’ve settled with a more powerful oil spray. 1-2 doses (each about 3mg THC and 2mg CBD) on a ginger snap, and I’m toasty for 4-7 hours, but still productive. I don’t know why the edibles used to really bother me, but I’m definitely more of a fan of them now.

Remember how I used to drink a lot? Not anymore.

Re: Did Edibles for the first time - my experience

PostPosted:Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:01 pm
by Oracle
Julius Seeker wrote: Remember how I used to drink a lot? Not anymore.
Just give me a volcano, a beer, and a hot tub and I'm a happy man :)

Re: Did Edibles for the first time - my experience

PostPosted:Wed Sep 20, 2023 1:35 pm
by Julius Seeker
Haha, I hear you :)
Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy a nice drink, but it's now an occasional thing rather than a wind down thing. Cannabis products work just as well.

What it also means is that bottle of whisky I always keep in my cupboard is no longer a 30 dollar bottle of rye (usually an Alberta Premium or Strait Whisky) that will be gone in a month, but a quality single malt (specifically Talisker 10) that will last the better part of a year - my current bottle has last me since March.

But anyway, if you're into cannabis, here are a few products I'd recommend:

This one, The Doze, is a 50/50 THC/CBD nanoemulsion spray. It's water soluble, so your body will process it much like caffeine or alcohol. What I like about it is you always know what you're getting into when using it, unlike edibles that take about 45 to 90 minutes to take effect. I recommend taking on an empty stomach, or at least a few hours after you eat. Each dose is about 1mg THC and 1mg of CBD, and a total of 150 doses per bottle. Start with 1 dose and no more than 3, if that's not enough, you can have some more in about 5-10 minutes as you'll be about 75-85% as high as you're going to get. The price is about $21-22 Canadian, although it might be different where you live. Since it's water soluble, it's best taken in a drink like coffee.

This is Tweed edible cannabis oil.
The spray is stronger, about 2.8 mg of THC and 1.5 mg of CBD per dose. This one I recommend putting on something like a ginger snap (which I do) or bread, something small that will soak it up, and then eat. Likely not more than 1 dose is required. Since it's not water soluble, it might not work in a coffee - rather, the oil might rise to the surface and get stuck on the side of the mug. Again, empty stomach works better, as I've found eating it with a meal tends to be less effective and less predictable... Like you'll get a little high, and then just when you think it's going away... IT COMES BACK!

I never do more than 4 doses of it at a time (which is roughly 11 mg of THC), and there are 200 doses per bottle. I think this one is within 33-36 dollars Canadian, but it has about three to four times the mileage of The Doze because there's something like 550 mg in the bottle. The downside is that it does take a bit longer to fully kick in, but unlike an edible I find the high starting within the first 15 minutes, but it does take about 2 hours to hit the max (the doze is about 30 minutes to hit maximum, but as I mentioned, you're probably about 75-85% there within 10 minutes).

The highs of both feel different, The Doze is easier to control and feels like a smoother ride. Tweed, a bit like standard edibles, can be a lot bumpier.

Films I recommend watching:
Sleeping Beauty
Night of the Living Dead (the original 1968 film)
Dawn of the Dead (the 1978 Romero film)
Alice in Wonderland
2001: A Space Odyssey
I think those are the ones that amused me the most of all the films I've tried. I've done Sleeping Beauty twice, and it's just so fucked up with how over the top the villain is... it becomes a rather amusing comedy as a result. The artistry of the film is also fantastic. I put Sleeping Beauty over the much more obvious "Get high and watch Disney films" like Fantasia and Alice in Wonderland, but those ones work too, IMO, Fantasia more so than Alice in Wonderland.

A film NOT to watch while high: Day of the Dead (the 1985 Romero version). That film is so gory and violent that it fucked me up while watching it unlike anything I've seen in horror. Also, the psychology of a post-apocalyptic dystopian underworld controlled by the military and a mad scientist is kind of dark... Dawn of the Dead is a bit dystopian as well, and is quite violent, but there's a whole different kind of aura about it, something like hope. Day of the Dead is much more viscerally violent and hopeless... still, I recommend the film. Think "The Thing" by John Carpenter, except a few times more intense.