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The Shrine at 27: as old as Cobain, Hendrix, Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Winehouse ever got

PostPosted:Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:35 am
by Julius Seeker
That’s a dark topic for our birthday.

Just think of that. The age we were when we joined (most of us) and then a whole 27 year old on top of that.

25 years ago we were all playing StarCraft. Or at least, getting our asses kicked by Don at StarCraft.

Re: The Shrine at 27: as old as Cobain, Hendrix, Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Winehouse ever got

PostPosted:Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:20 am
by Eric
CLockwork's brother was a bigger terror to me personally, but I understand. :^)

Re: The Shrine at 27: as old as Cobain, Hendrix, Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Winehouse ever got

PostPosted:Wed May 01, 2024 11:24 pm
by Don
I'm pretty sure he played more than any of us. I didn't actually play Starcraft that much and in retrospect playing the game more is a lot more important assuming you eventually pick up some tricks. Of course that was still back in the dark ages where most people thought strategy games actually has something to do with strategy as opposed to clicking very fast and researching build orders.

By that way that's Chockboard if I recall and his brother was Kaiserblades at least on Starcraft.

Re: The Shrine at 27: as old as Cobain, Hendrix, Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Winehouse ever got

PostPosted:Thu May 02, 2024 7:27 am
by Julius Seeker
I also learned that economy was more important than tactics when it came to strategy.

I played a game Utopia, which you guys might remember, across a decade. My Kingdom played with a heavy tactical focus and had a bit of a Spartan-type society - if you were weak in my Kingdom, you were dead. We eventually became very successful playing in a way that many described as dishonourable (ironic, since we typically scored highly in the "Honor" charts), because we relied heavily on "black ops" and had alliances backing us. We had a strict policy of "if you attack into our wars, our alliance will mess your Kingdom up". I believe our policy was something like "Hit into our war, our alliance will attack your province until we take 5 times the amount of land" - which got people really anxious. One age, we got "gang banged" as they called it, we recorded all the names who attacked us, and we spent weeks retaliating on every single province we recorded to the list. While we didn't see incredible success in the charts, we occasionally hit the top 50, and were happy with that because even the top 5 Kingdoms in the game feared us (and for good reason, we took the #1 Kingdom down to about #30 one age, killing their Monarch in the process). We embraced the "violent alcoholic warrior" roleplaying, until one of our members, who was an accountant in her thirties, taught us about Excel...

...and we became civilized.

She taught us about spreadsheeting, and those who didn't have Excel used alternate spreadsheet freeware programs. All of the Kingdom leadership got onboard, and we shifted focus to economy. We had spreadsheets which had many pages of calculations. I think the first age we rolled this out we'd already rebranded, and were hitting top 5, I think maybe #2 in land and Networth. Then the cell phones kicked in, and we'd be talking/texting, and all in all we ended up ranking #1 in land and Networth across a few years. People assumed we scripted, traded, and multi-accounted, but we did none of those things - it was all Excel spreadsheeting and figuring out the optimal moves in any given situation.

Funny enough, all that time I wasted in Utopia had a more profoundly positive impact on my professional life than University in the early 2000s did. And the benefits last to this day, and probably for the next couple of decades at least.

Re: The Shrine at 27: as old as Cobain, Hendrix, Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Winehouse ever got

PostPosted:Fri May 03, 2024 11:09 pm
by Eric
Bro, that fucking game(Utopia) was wild. My career ended with my Kingdom leader literally hacking my e-mail account and stealing my fief or whatever the hell they were called. I got it back and deleted it out of spite, but like holy shit, it was kinda crazy how serious people took that game. If you weren't on at the exact minute for an attack or weren't feeding someone or whatever, shit was crazy.

Re: The Shrine at 27: as old as Cobain, Hendrix, Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Winehouse ever got

PostPosted:Thu May 09, 2024 6:55 am
by Julius Seeker
Yeah, that game did get extreme. Glad you were able to get vengeance. Did the Monarch get deleted? Or did people smash him up? I do know a number of players who would randomly take out cheaters and “Net worth whores” (as we called them) unprovoked, because no one would dispute it - unless they were in a top tier alliance or had a reputation. It’s a little bit funny the players were that extreme though :D

But yeah, I ended up getting online at 4am for attacks and such. The only barriers I refused to break were school, work, and dating.

Speaking of dating and how crazy Utopia people were. I met a girl in the University residence back in the day. Slender red head, she played the game “Not Saturday, I’m out of town, maybe Wednesday or next weekend.” And then I bumped into her at the gym on Thursday. Anyway, the two of us got together, and one night I get the whole “I play this stupid online game and I have to be online for a bit.” Sure enough, Utopia… never took her as that kind of person. But also, she happened to be in a top Kingdom who was a rival of mine and hated my alliance (Absalom). Anyway, to make the long story short: she started accusing me of being “arrogant like Absalom” out of nowhere! And somehow we managed to stay together most of the semester, but in the end that was probably the reason we broke up… because I was in an alliance she didn’t like. Our two Kingdoms went to war sometime in the week after, you can guess how that went =D

Actually, now on reflection, I think I was the crazier Utopia person in that story. I mean, when she tells it, I can see myself coming off a lot worse than she does in my version… I feel like an arrogant prick just telling this story. well, shit.

Re: The Shrine at 27: as old as Cobain, Hendrix, Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Winehouse ever got

PostPosted:Mon May 13, 2024 7:23 pm
by Eric
That's wild. Yeah I remember those alliances, they should have been banned from the game! They were so incredibly toxic lmao.

Re: The Shrine at 27: as old as Cobain, Hendrix, Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Winehouse ever got

PostPosted:Thu May 16, 2024 4:13 pm
by Julius Seeker
I want to argue against you on that, because I loved the alliance culture, but I have no good arguments... and like six or seven reasons why they should have been banned (both for game reasons and reasons of social decency). So, you’re absolutely right!

Re: The Shrine at 27: as old as Cobain, Hendrix, Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Winehouse ever got

PostPosted:Thu May 16, 2024 7:05 pm
by Don
I'm still waiting for some kind of alliance based game that isn't toxic. To be fair I think Three Kingdoms: Tactical Version came pretty close to doing that. They had a season where you only play against the computer that has like infinite army and everything so there's no one to backstab and the computer totally doesn't care whatever you do to them anyway. Too bad nothing else really followed that line of thought.

Re: The Shrine at 27: as old as Cobain, Hendrix, Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Winehouse ever got

PostPosted:Wed May 22, 2024 9:16 pm
by Julius Seeker
I can’t think of any myself… Last game I played was Avatar mobile, and my alliance boss was insane - I mean, he was literally insane, would constantly talk to imaginary friends and get angry when anyone told him they weren’t real.

I also played this online grand strategy game taking place in world war 1 with “pay to win” mechanics that no one used - or so I thought. It required a lot of activity. Although… in one match, my alliance was up against this Kuwaiti guy who was conquering large portions of the world. We spied out his economy, plugged it into a spreadsheet, and deduced that he was spending 10s of thousands of dollars on the game to basically beat back our alliance and others when we took territory from him. The major battle I remember was the fight for Egypt (we were mostly located in Africa, and he was in the Middle East). I believe in the end we teamed up with him to take down the Europeans and North Americans. The Europeans were spending as well, but not nearly as much as the Kuwaiti guy.

I forget how we figured out he was Kuwaiti, but I think it had something to do with him having a gaming social media presence.

…and that was the least toxic alliance game I ever played.