The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • Saturday Night Live and MadTV

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #171783  by Julius Seeker
 Tue Apr 07, 2020 10:59 am
I'm not sure if anyone is a fan of these shows, but I figured I'd use this as a place to post skits that people like, or discuss either show. They're a little different with SNL having a much shorter writing cycle and being recorded live after 1 rehearsal performance (for the most part).

It's just a bunch of clowning with running gags and simple plots, they bring in guest-stars for many of the segments.
It's stupid and amusing.

It's stars and is written by Fred Armisen, and also stars Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader.
The sketches were conceived from Armisen, Kenan Thompson, and Hader clowning around backstage whenever they were doing something in California.

And as a bonus, if you've never seen the guest appearances with Adam Driver,
This one's funny (although not live):

And this one is live and one of the best skits in the history of SNL
 #172179  by Julius Seeker
 Sun Nov 15, 2020 4:51 am
This one is making some waves. Gotta VPN it in Canada, at least. It's annoying, Canadian IPs get some clips and not others, but the VPN will get some and not others.

Anyway, it features past and current cast, and, of course, Dave Chappelle. Probably the best American sketch comedy host of all time.

I like Cecily Strong's clips and characters

Another Cecily Strong clip. Cecily had to fight for this one. Apparently Bill Hader couldn't move his hips even one inch. This is one of her funniest ones:

Was Halloween too long ago?

Somehow this one went viral a few years ago, written by Mikey Day - Tom Hanks didn't even get what it was supposed to be about.


And, of course, Will Ferrell, Cheri Oteri, and Chris Kattan - Kattan and Oteri were the beginning of the underrated cast member era (basically, when you look at top lists, it's about this period when sites like Rolling Stone decide they weren't around early enough to be properly considered one of the GOATS (unless you're named Tina Fey or Amy Poehler) despite being WAY funnier than the 70s to 95 casts... Just my opinion.
The Zimmermans: