The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Finished Assassin's Creed (may contain spoilers)

  • Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
 #113431  by Oracle
 Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:47 pm
I'll keep this short.

Game was beautiful. Most detailed environments I've ever seen.

Game was repetitive. I've climbed so many towers, pick pocketed so many people, eavesdropped on so many conversations, and killed about the equivalent of the entire population of Mesopotamia during medieval times.

Game was extremely fun... in doses. If you can finish this game in 1 or 2 sittings, you have the most stubborn attention span known to mankind.

I would estimate it took me around 20ish hours to beat.

All I can say after the ending is: Wow, who would have thought they would leave it open for a sequel /sarcasm