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PostPosted:Thu May 11, 2017 12:24 am
by Shrinweck
This was a nice little sci-fi game. The setting is populated with beautiful attention to detail. The story itself explores sci-fi themes in a way that is pretty interesting and new for video game narratives. The combat is... serviceable and fun but is probably the worst aspect. The powers are... useful but you shouldn't take the studio's past work with Dishonored as an indicator of the powers being all that creative and fun.

The main draw here is exploring the world they created, though. Almost every dead body tells a story and through e-mail and audio logs you can almost always piece together why someone was where they were and what they were trying to do. They also did a really good job with the space-walking outside of the station. The control was (at least KB+M) very smooth and made outer space exploration very fun.

I'm excited to see what they do with Prey next.