The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • One armed games?

  • Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
 #172396  by Shellie
 Mon Jan 25, 2021 7:02 pm
So, I broke my arm shortly after Christmas. If we're friends on Facebook, you already know I was an idiot and attempted to use a hoverboard. Fell on my shoulder and broke the upper part of my humerus.

I'm bored as shit, Can't drive, not like I can really go anywhere anyway, but can't even get groceries. I can't do all the household chores I need. I can't play most games. Hell, typing this out is a chore on its own. What are some good videos games possible with one hand? I've been playing Rimworld, but it was already getting old.

Thanks :)
 #172399  by Eric
 Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:26 pm
Can't go wrong with a traditional JRPG you've been putting off. :)
 #172402  by Julius Seeker
 Fri Jan 29, 2021 8:19 pm
Any mobile version of Dragon Quest games. They play beautifully in portrait mode.

Get well soon!
 #172407  by Shellie
 Sat Feb 06, 2021 12:59 pm
So I tried out Heroes of Might and Magic V, I had read it was the better of the series. It was fun for a bit, but I was never a tactics player, so I got bored. I got Disco Elysium recently and have been playing that a bit. It's great...if you like a shit ton of story reading, as that is basically the whole game. I've put some time into it, but I'm not sure how much more I will play. I get distracted and lose interest. It is a really interesting concept, and I love the introspection dialogue.

Still haven't really found a game I can sink hours into yet. I did load up CP2077 and create a character though, damn it looks nice on this machine!
 #172414  by Oracle
 Tue Feb 09, 2021 5:27 pm
Shellie wrote:
Sat Feb 06, 2021 12:59 pm
I got Disco Elysium recently and have been playing that a bit. It's great...if you like a shit ton of story reading, as that is basically the whole game. I've put some time into it, but I'm not sure how much more I will play. I get distracted and lose interest. It is a really interesting concept, and I love the introspection dialogue.
That was pretty much my experience with DE. Lost interest. I find I have more fun reading about the game than playing it :p